- Combine data objects to convert it into a higher resolution
Take a random subset of data from the entire population
A sample is representative if it represents the same statistics as the original data
Simple Random Sampling
Take out a random sample from the entire dataset
Sampling With Replacement
- Put the taken object back into the population
Sampling Without Replacement
- Take out the object and do not put back into the population
Stratified Sampling
- Split the data into several partitions; then draw random samples from each partition
- AKA Binning
- Process of putting continuous values into buckets so that there are a limited number of possible states
Process of converting numerical or categorical data into binary values
based on a certain threshold
Attribute Transformation
- Refers to various techniques to adjust to differences among attributes in terms of frequency of occurrence, mean, variance, range
Reshape the data to form a bell curve
- Mean = 0
- Std. = 1
Dimensionality Reduction
Remove Irrelevant Features
Allow data to be more easily visualised
Avoid Curse of Dimensionality
- When dimensionality increases, data becomes increasingly sparse in the space that it occupies
Find a projection that represents the largest amount of variation in the data
Feature Subset Selection
- Remove Redundant Features
- Remove Irrelevant Features
Mapping Data to New Space
- Fourier Transformation
- Wavelet Transformation