Online Transaction Processing Systems
Operational Systems

Operational systems, also known as transactional systems or transaction processing systems (TPS), are designed to facilitate and manage day-to-day operational activities within an organisation. These systems are primarily responsible for processing and recording transactions and events in real-time. Operational systems are typically used by operational staff and are focused on supporting core business functions.

OLTP VS Decision Support Systems (DSS)

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OLTP Databases use a Paged Based File System while on the other hand various DSS systems use a Hash Based File System


Can ** OLAP​ ** Techniques be applied and configured on OLTP systems?

​​The Answer is Yes. But that introduces complexity to OLTP systems.
Also the resource allocated to that system might not be sufficient and may bottleneck.

What is the average result set join of OLTP systems?

They have a relatively small result set for queries