Dual Entry Accounting

  • Every voucher has to be balanced
  • For each credit entry there must be an appropriate debit entry

The difference of revenue and expenses in the income statement generate a net profit.
This net profit is used to get Retained Earnings. These retained earnings are plotted in the equity section of the balance sheet. This balances out the balance sheet in terms of sales and expenses.


Increase = Debited Decrease = Credited


Increase = Credited Decrease = Debited


Increase = Credited Decrease = Debited

Sales / Revenue

Increase = Credited Decrease = Debited


Increase = Debited Decrease = Credited (includes Cost of goods sold)

Development POV

In-order to get retained earnings in balance sheet, one can get all the revenue up till now and subtract all the expenses up till now, getting the total net profit. This can further be subtracted from any Dividends if applicable (maybe it is expense?)