Reference Document: HW 4.pdf


This algorithm keeps track of end of Max sub array. Modify this algorithm to keep track of start of Max sub array

MaxSubArraySum(A,n) {
	globalSum = A[1]
	MaxSum[1] = A[1]
	localStart = 1
	for (i = 2 to n)
		if (MaxSum[i-1] + A[i] > A[i])
			MaxSum[i] = MaxSum[i-1] + A[i]
			MaxSum[i] = A[i]
			localStart = i // Capture the point where MaxSum is Current Index Value
	if (globalSum < MaxSum[i])
		globalSum = MaxSum[i]
		globalEnd = i	// Start Index
		globalStart = localStart // Get the point where we had the MaxSum started
	return globalSum

We can manage to do that if we store the point where the MaxSum becomes the current index. In this way if we find a MaxSum that beats the previous MaxSum, its start index will be that point we stored.


Dry run brute force O(n**2** **) algorithm on given array and show all working. Show all values of MaxSum[i] array. **

MaxSum[i] array stores maximum sum out of all subarrays ending at index i.

MaxSum[1] = 2

MaxSum[2] = -2

MaxSum[3] = 3

MaxSum[4] = 7

MaxSum[5] = 4

MaxSum[6] = 9

MaxSum[7] = 4

MaxSum[8] = 10

MaxSum[9] = 9

==MaxSum = 10 | Start Index = 3 | End Index = 8==


Dry run Kadane’s algorithm on following array and show all working. Show all values of MaxSum[i] array.

CleanShot 2023-10-07 at 18.10.58@2x

MaxSum[i] = Max (A[i] + MaxSum[i-1] , A[i])

MaxSum[1] = 2

MaxSum[2] = Max(-2, -4) = -2

MaxSum[3] = Max(1, 3) = 3

MaxSum[4] = Max(7, 4) = 7

MaxSum[5] = Max(4, -3) = 4

MaxSum[6] = Max(9, 5) = 9

MaxSum[7] = Max(4, -5) = 4

MaxSum[8] = Max(10, 6) = 10

MaxSum[9] = Max(9, -1) = 9

==MaxSum = 10==


Can you write the dynamic programming solution of this problem that takes O(1) memory (without array of MaxSum) and O(n) time?

Yes. Given the requirements that to calculate the MaxSum of the next index we only need the MaxSum of previous index, we can easily construct a solution that only keeps track of the Previous Max Sum instead of the whole array.

Hence, using this Previous Max Sum we can easily calculate the MaxSum of future values.

MaxSubArraySum(A,n) {
	globalSum = A[1]
	PrevMaxSum = A[1] // PrevMaxSum replaces the MaxSum array
	localStart = 1
	for (i = 2 to n)
		if (PrevMaxSum + A[i] > A[i])
			PrevMaxSum = PrevMaxSum + A[i]
			PrevMaxSum = A[i]
			localStart = i
	if (globalSum < PrevMaxSum)
		globalSum = PrevMaxSum
		globalEnd = i	// Start Index
		globalStart = localStart
	return globalSum