Reference Documents:

Fall2023_DW_BDS_A4_Indexing Techniques.pdf




Car Table



Memory Size = K = 4 KB

Record Size = R = 128 B

Index Record Size = Ri = 16 B

Block Size = B = 8 KB = 8,192 B

Record Count = r = 100K = 100, 000

Blocking Factor = bfr = = = 64

Blocks in Base Table = b = = = 1,563

Blocking Factor Index = bfri = = = 512

Blocks in Index Table = bi = = = 196


  1.  SELECT * 
     FROM Car
     WHERE Manufacturer = 'HONDA'
     AND (Colour = 'White' OR Colour = 'Black') AND Year > 2022
  2.  SELECT *
     FROM Car
     WHERE Manufacturer = 'HONDA'
     AND (Colour = 'White' OR Colour = 'Black') AND Year > 2000


Manufacturer (Honda)
Colour (White + Black)10% + 15%35,000
Year > 20223%3,000
Year > 200030%30,000

Query 1

**Combined Selectivity ** = 20 % of (10 + 15)% of 3% of 100,000 = 150

  1. Full Table Scan

    We have to scan the entire table.

    I/O Cost = Base Table Blocks = 1563

  2. Single Indexing

    Choosing the highest selectivity column of Year > 2022​ for indexing.

    Qualifying Rows = 3% of 100,000 = 3,000

    Since 3,000 > 1563 (Blocks in Base Table), we will have to read the entire base table

    **I/O Cost ** = Bast Table Access + Index Access
    = 1563 + = 1563 + = 1569

  3. Combining Multiple Indexes

    Combined Selectivity = 150

    We will read only 150 blocks from the base table since 150 < 1563 (Blocks in Base Table)

    Total Index Access Cost = Index 1 Access + Index 2 Access + Index 3 Access
    = 40 + 69 + 6 = 115

    I/O Cost = Base Table Access + Total Index Access
    = 150 + 115 = 265

  4. Dynamic Bitmap Index

    Same as Combining Multiple Indexes.

  5. Static Bitmap Index

    Combined Selectivity = 150
    Will select 150 blocks in base table

    Static Bitmap Size = = = 2 Blocks for each value indexed

    Index 1 = Manufacturer​ = 1 value = 2 Blocks
    Index 2 = Colour​ = 2 values = 4 Blocks
    Index 3 = Year > 2022​ = 1 value = 2 Blocks

    I/O Cost = Base Table Access + All Index Access Cost
    = 150 + (2 + 4 + 2) = 158

  6. Composite Index

    Assuming size of Composite Index = 16 B

    Assuming order of Composite Index = Manufacturer, Colour, Year
    Each combination should be checked: Colour 1 and Colour 2

    20% of 10% of 3% of 100,000 = 60
    + Base Table Access
    + 60 = 1 + 60

    20% of 15% of 3% of 100,000 = 90
    + Base Table Access
    + 90 = 1 + 90

    I/O Cost = Total Base Table Access + Total Index Access
    = (60 + 90) + (1 + 1) = 152

  7. Clustered Index

    Assuming Clustered Index on Year > 2022​ = 3% of Rows = 3,000

    Since rows are stored in ordered form, we do not need to access each block separately in the base table

    I/O Cost = Base Table Access + Index Access
    = +
    = +
    = 47 + 6 = 53

Query 2

**Combined Selectivity ** = 20 % of (10 + 15)% of 30% of 100,000 = 1,500

  1. Full Table Scan

    We have to scan the entire table.

    I/O Cost = Base Table Blocks = 1563

  2. Single Indexing

    Choosing the highest selectivity column of Manufacturer​ for indexing.

    Qualifying Rows = 20% of 100,000 = 20,000

    Since 20,000 > 1563 (Blocks in Base Table), we will have to read the entire base table

    **I/O Cost ** = Bast Table Access + Index Access
    = 1563 + = 1563 + = 1,603

  3. Combining Multiple Indexes

    Combined Selectivity = 1500

    We will read only 1500 blocks from the base table since 1500 < 1563 (Blocks in Base Table)

    Total Index Access Cost = Index 1 Access + Index 2 Access + Index 3 Access
    = 40 + 69 + 59 = 168

    I/O Cost = Base Table Access + Total Index Access
    = 1500 + 168 = 1,668

  4. Dynamic Bitmap Index

    Same as Combining Multiple Indexes.

  5. Static Bitmap Index

    Combined Selectivity = 1500
    Will select 1500 blocks in base table

    Static Bitmap Size = = = 2 Blocks for each value indexed

    Index 1 = Manufacturer​ = 1 value = 2 Blocks
    Index 2 = Colour​ = 2 values = 4 Blocks
    Index 3 = Year > 2000​ = 1 value = 2 Blocks

    I/O Cost = Base Table Access + All Index Access Cost
    = 1500 + (2 + 4 + 2) = 1,508

  6. Composite Index

    Assuming size of Composite Index = 16 B

    Assuming order of Composite Index = Manufacturer, Colour, Year
    Each combination should be checked: Colour 1 and Colour 2

    20% of 10% of 30% of 100,000 = 600
    + Base Table Access
    + 600 = 2 + 600

    20% of 15% of 30% of 100,000 = 900
    + Base Table Access
    + 900 = 2 + 900

    I/O Cost = Total Base Table Access + Total Index Access
    = (600 + 900) + (2 + 2) = 1,504

  7. Clustered Index

    Assuming Clustered Index on Manufacturer​ = 20% of Rows = 20,000

    Since rows are stored in ordered form, we do not need to access each block separately in the base table

    I/O Cost = Base Table Access + Index Access
    = +
    = +
    = 313 + 40 = 353