Collection of facts and figures that can be recorded and have implicit meaning.
Name, age, address of people.
A database is a collection of related or connected data that has an implicit meaning.
Collection of logically related data stored in an efficient and compact manner.
- It can be generated manually or can be computerised.
Students record data in a university.
- Data Base Management System
An application program or system that allows us to create, read, update or delete a database.
The description and definition of a database stored by DBMS in a category or dictionary.
The number of columns or fields in a relation or the total number of relations.
Constructing a DB
The process of storing data in a database
Manipulating a DB
The retrieval and updating of a database to reflect changes in the mini-world.
The cost of reading from the disk to memory
The cost of writing from the memory to disk
Used to retrieve data from a database.
Used to read or write data into the database.
Database System
The database and the DBMS together constitute a database system.
Database Administrator
Administrates and supervises the database
Responsible for following:
- Authorizing access to the database.
- Coordinating and monitoring its use.
- Keeping a check on software and hardware resources.
- Efficiency of operations.
Database Designers
Responsible for defining the structure in which the data will be presented and stored in the database.
The must communicate with the end users to map out their requirements.
Advantages of Database
- Centralised storage of data (No Redundancy)
- Unauthorised access is denied
- Backup and recovery features
- Integrity constraints
- Multiple views / interfaces
- Flexibility to change data structures
- Persistent storage for program objects
Data Model
It is the logical structure of a database which tells us the operations which could be performed and the integrity constraints to be applied.
Data Structure that a database uses to store data.
- Constructs are used to define the database structures
Hierarchical Model, Network Model, Relational Model and many more.
Data Model Operations
These are the operations performed on the data model.
- Basic Model Operations
- Insert, Delete, Update, Delete
- User-Defined Operations
- Calculate CGPA, Calculate Annual Tax
Data Model Categories
- Conceptual - High Level, semantics
- General
- Entity-based
- Physical - Low Level, internal
- Details on how data is stored etc.
Database Schema
The description of a database. Includes structure, data types and the constraints.
Called Intension
Difference between Data Model and Database Schema
Database State
The actual data stored in a database at a particular moment.
AKA instance, occurrence, snapshot
Called Extension
Three Schema Architecture
- Internal Scheme - Internal Level
- Describes physical storage structure
- Uses a physical data model
- Conceptual Schema - Conceptual Level
- Describes structure for a community of users
- Uses conceptual data model or implementation data model
- External Schema - External Level
- Describes various user views
- Usually uses the same model as conceptual schema
- Mapping among schemas are needed to process requests.
Data Independence
Logical Data Independence
- Capacity to change the conceptual schema without having to change the external schema.
Physical Data Independence
- Capacity to change the internal schema without having to change the conceptual schema.
Change in internal schema when file structure is reorganised or new indexes are created to improve performance.
When a schema at a lower level is changed only the mappings between this schema and higher level schemas are changed. The higher level schemas themselves are unchanged.
Hence, the application programs need not to be changed.
Database Languages
- Data Definition Language
- Used by DBA and Database Designers to specify the conceptual schema.
- Can also be used to define external and internal schema in some DBMS.
- In some DBMS, external and internal schema are defined by SDL and VDL
Data Manipulation Language
Used to perform data update and retrieval operations
Can be embedded into a general programming language.
High Level / Non - Procedural Language
- Specify what data to retrieve
- Example would be
Low Level / Non - Procedural Language
- Specify how to retrieve data
- Storage Definition Language
- Used to define the internal schema
- View Definition Language
- Used to define the external schema
Database Adapters
A database connector is a software that connects an application to any database. A database adapter is an implementation of a database connector. The connector is more at the conceptual level, while the adapter is at the implementation level, though they refer to the same thing
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
DBMS Architectures
Centralised Architecture
- Everything resides at a single system such as
- DBMS, Hardware, Application Program and User Interface
- Everything resides at a single system such as