Data Flow Diagrams
Flow based model
Determines the flow of the program and its processes
Level wise approach


RectangleExternal Entity
Circle / BubbleProcesses
Parallel LinesData Store
ArrowsData Items

Syntactical Rules

  • The processes names should start with verb
  • The variables can be provided with a single arrow as a list separated by commas


Levels can be dragged to any number starting from 0
There should be continuity between levels
Each level is an abstraction of the previous level. This means that it describes the processes involved in the previous level.

  • The data items used in higher levels should include the items from the lower levels
    • The data items can be detailed but they should exist in an upper set context in the lower levels.
      • The Examples could be Login Info to username, password

DFD Level 0

  • Is the system itself
    • So the the label of the bubble doesn’t have to start with a verb
  • Consists of a single bubble
  • No data stores

Further Levels

  • Follows the same ruling conventions as described above.


