A regex is a string of text that lets you create patterns that help match, locate, and manage text.

Regex can be used any time you need to query string-based data, such as:

  • Analysing command line output
  • Parsing user input
  • Examining server or program logs
  • Handling text files with a consistent syntax, like a CSV
  • Reading configuration files
  • Searching and refactoring code

While doing all of these is theoretically possible without regex, when regexes hit the scene they act as a superpower for doing all of these tasks.


Type 1 Errors

  • False Positives

    • Words which exist but should not be in the result

Type 2 Errors

  • False Negatives

    • The words which are left out but were actually supposed to be in the result


regex101: build, test, and debug regex

The Complete Guide to Regular Expressions (Regex) - CoderPad

Regular expression syntax cheat sheet - JavaScript | MDN

Cheat Sheet
