Tutorial / Setting Up

Complete and Concise Git / Github Tutorial

Your first time with git and github

Discord Webhook Integration

  1. Fetch the target Discord channel Webhook

    • Navigate to the Discord server and then to the target text channel settings
    • Go to Integrations and create a new Webhook, customise it and copy the Webhook URL
  2. Modify the URL by appending it with /github

    • Example:

      From: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/X/Y
      To: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/X/Y/github

      Where X​ = Webhook id and Y​ = Webhook token

  3. Optional: Fetch the thread id, if target channel is a forum

    • Make sure Discord Developer Mode is turned on

    • Right click the target thread and select Copy Thread ID

    • Modify the URL by appending it with ?thread_id=Z

      From: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/X/Y/github
      To: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/X/Y/github?thread_id=Z

      Where X​ = Webhook id, Y​ = Webhook token and Z​ = channel thread id fetched

  4. Insert the Webhook to target Discord repo

    • Navigate to Github and then to the target repo settings
    • Go to Webhooks and then create a new Webhook
    • Insert the modified Webhook URL and select the Content type to be application/json
    • Customise the events you want to receive and Add the Webhook
