Sole Proprietorship

  1. A business run by a single individual
  2. Owner is responsible for all the profits and loss in the business
  3. Unlimited Liability
  4. Registration with FBR
  5. NTN associated with the person itself
  6. No transfer of interest
  7. Duration until the death of the person


  1. Other Business - Max 20 individuals | Banking Business - Max 10
  2. All Partners responsible
  3. Unlimited Liability
  4. Registration with Registrar of Firms
  5. Separated NTN
  6. Transfer of interest allowed
  7. Duration at Will

Limited Liability Company

  • Public Limited
  • Private Limited
  1. Members to form
    1. Public Limited No Limit
    2. Private Limited 1 to 50
  2. Separate Legal Entity
    1. Directors are not liable for losses or debts
  3. Limited Liability
  4. Registration with SECP
  5. Separated NTN
  6. Transfer of interest allowed
  7. Duration Unlimited / Perpetual Succession